Let out a cathartic scream if you’re exhausted by COVID-19 and all its complications to your life, body, community, and… everything. Now that you’ve thoroughly frightened a few people, let’s have some real talk.
COVID-19 has forced a new lifestyle on you
In addition to patient care and keeping up on the latest advancements, now you must maneuver around a pandemic snaking its corona-y tentacles into every facet of society. Are you and your staff working from home full or part time? Are you self-quarantining? Are you sanitizing enough? Social distancing enough?
According to the America College for Obstetricians and Gynecologists,
These adjustments have caused anxiety, depression, isolation, and sleep deprivation as never before. That’s why—maybe more than ever—it’s important to emphasize self-care for yourself and your patients.
Thomas Medical is living through this with you as we care for our customers’ special needs, protect our workforce, ensure total sterilization, and work to support you. So here are some things we can all do to take care of ourselves and therefore take care of others.
Get out of the office mindset
- Do a puzzle
- Start a windowsill herb garden
- Paint a portrait of your dog that everyone mistakes for a dinosaur
Keep that body healthy
- Do a little exercise (just enough to break a sweat)
- Plan healthy meals you look forward to
- Get some sleep, even if it’s mediocre
Connect with your people
- Join an online pub-quiz
- Participate in a short story “book club”
- Park your car next to your friend and talk through the open windows with your masks on
Emotions are important
- Get out the “ick” in a journal (go ahead and be petty; no one’s going to read it)
- Confide in a therapist, friend, or trusted peer
- Turn off the screens when they’re making you feel negative
People like us who have dedicated our lives to helping others have a terrible habit of confusing self-care with self-indulgence. But how can we be expected to take care of anyone when we can’t take care of ourselves?
Watching birds, scratching out a journal entry, and painting post-modern dog-osaurs are not a sign of selfishness. They’re necessary tools that will keep us healthy and help us all through this pandemic. Together.